UniNurse is a desktop app tailored for you, a private duty nurse, to:

  • Manage your patients’ contact details.
  • Organize your patient-related tasks.
  • Keep track of your patients’ medical conditions.

Fastest fingers first!

If your fingers are as quick as your wit, UniNurse helps you to get your patient management tasks done in no time! It leverages a no-frills Command Line Interface (CLI) to give fast typists such as yourself a painless user experience.

UniNurse offers the following features:

  • Add and edit patient details such as name, contact number, medical conditions, etc.
  • Find and filter patients by their details.
  • Add tasks to a patient.
  • Show the tasks to be done on a specific day.
  • Categorize patients using tags.

Using this guide

This guide walks you through all the features of UniNurse, as well as tips, so you can reap all the benefits of UniNurse!

If you are a new user, this guide equips you with the necessary know-how to get started with UniNurse.

If you are an experienced user, you can refer to the Command Summary at the end of this guide.

Here are some symbols used throughout this user guide:

Symbol Meaning
:information_source: Important things you should take note of
:bulb: Useful information
:exclamation: Warning

Table of Contents

  1. Using this guide
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Quick start
  4. Glossary
  5. Command format
  6. Patient parameter constraints
    1. Single-valued attributes
    2. Multi-valued attributes
    3. Patient parameter summary
  7. Features
    1. Getting help: help
    2. Modifying patient contact details
      1. Adding a patient: add
      2. Editing a patient’s contact details: edit -p
      3. Deleting a patient: delete -p
    3. Modifying tags
      1. Adding a tag: add -p
      2. Editing a tag: edit -p -t
      3. Deleting a tag: delete -p -t
    4. Modifying tasks
      1. Adding a task: add -p
      2. Editing a task: edit -p -d
      3. Deleting a task: delete -p -d
    5. Modifying medical conditions
      1. Adding a medical condition: add -p
      2. Editing a medical condition: edit -p -c
      3. Deleting a medical condition: delete -p -c
    6. Modifying medications
      1. Adding a medication: add -p
      2. Editing a medication: edit -p -m
      3. Deleting a medication: delete -p -m
    7. Modifying remarks
      1. Adding a remark: add -p
      2. Editing a remark: edit -p -r
      3. Deleting a remark: delete -p -r
    8. Viewing patients
      1. Listing all patients: list
      2. Viewing all details of a patient: focus -p
      3. Finding patients: find
    9. Viewing tasks
      1. Viewing all tasks for a particular day: view
      2. Viewing all tasks for today: view --today
      3. Viewing all tasks of a patient: view -p
      4. Viewing all tasks of all patients: view -p --all
    10. Undoing previous command: undo
    11. Reversing undo command: redo
    12. Clearing all entries: clear
    13. Exiting UniNurse: exit
    14. Saving the data
    15. Editing the data file
  8. FAQ
  9. Command summary

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer. To check your Java version, open a Command Prompt or Terminal window and type:
java -version
  1. Download the latest uninurse.jar here.
  2. Move uninurse.jar to the folder you want to use as the home folder for UniNurse.
  3. Double-click the file to start UniNurse. A user interface similar to the one below should appear in a few seconds.

:bulb: Tip:

The app comes with some sample patients by default. Type clear in the command box to remove them.


UniNurse user interface

  1. Type your command in the command box and hit Enter to execute the command. Here are some example commands you can try:
    • help: Opens the help window.
    • add n/Jane Doe p/91234567 e/janed@example.com a/20 Anderson Road, block 123, #01-01: Adds a patient named Jane Doe to your patient list.
    • delete -p 3: Deletes the 3rd patient shown in the current list.
    • list: Lists all patients.
    • clear: Deletes all patients shown in the current list.
    • exit: Exits from UniNurse.
  2. Refer to the Features below for details of each command. Alternatively, you may refer to the Command Summary at the end of this guide.

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Here are some of the technical terminologies used:

Word Meaning
Command A sentence which the user inputs to perform a function.
Command word The first word of every command.
Option Part of the user input specifying the options for a command, which is preceded by a flag.
Flag Part of the user input that allows the user to specify the specific options for a command, consisting of a letter preceded by a hyphen.
Type of flags: -p, -t, -d, -c, -m, -r.
Parameter Part of the user input consisting of information supplied by the user to UniNurse, which is preceded by a prefix.
Prefix Part of the user input that allows the user to specify information for a patient, consisting of a letter preceded by a hyphen.
Type of prefixes: n/, p/, e/, a/, t/, d/, c/, m/, r/.
Single-valued attribute A patient’s detail that consists of a single value. A patient’s single-valued attributes are also called the patient’s contact details.
Single-valued attributes: NAME, PHONE, EMAIL, ADDRESS.
Multi-valued attribute A patient’s detail that consists of a list of values.
Multi-valued attributes: TAG, TASK, CONDITION, MEDICATION, REMARK.

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Command format

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • All flags and options must be specified before any prefix or parameter.

  • Flags can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies -p PATIENT_INDEX -t TASK_INDEX, -t TASK_INDEX -p PATIENT_INDEX is also acceptable.

  • There must be a space separating a flag and an option.

  • All indices must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …

  • PATIENT_INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed patient list.

  • Indices for patient attributes (e.g. TASK_INDEX, CONDITION_INDEX, TAG_INDEX, etc.) refer to the index number shown in the attribute list of a patient.
    e.g. TASK_INDEX refers to the index number shown in the task list of a patient.

  • The | character is used as a parameter separator in an attribute. e.g. in m/MEDICATION_TYPE | DOSAGE, the | character is used to separate MEDICATION_TYPE and DOSAGE.

  • Parameters in square brackets and angle brackets are optional.
    e.g. n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe. e.g. d/TASK_DESCRIPTION | <DATE TIME> | <INTERVAL TIME_PERIOD> can be used as d/task 1 or d/task 1 | 22-3-22 1800.

  • Parameters with after them can be used multiple times, including zero times.
    e.g. [t/TAG]… can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter is expected only once in the command but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit, and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

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Patient parameter constraints

A patient’s attributes can be categorized into two: single-valued attributes and multi-valued attributes. A patient’s single-valued attributes consist of their name, phone, email, and address, and their multi-valued attributes consist of their tags, tasks, conditions, medications, and remarks.

Single-valued attributes

A patient’s single-valued attributes are also referred to as the patient’s contact details, which consist of the following.


NAME should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.

NAME is specified by the prefix n/.

Example: n/John Doe


PHONE should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long.

PHONE is specified by the prefix p/.

Example: p/91234567


EMAIL should be in the form of local-part@domain, where:

  • local-part contains only alphanumeric characters and the special characters +, _, ., -, and may not start or end with any special characters.
  • domain is made up of domain labels separated by periods, where domain must:
    • end with a domain label at least 2 characters long.
    • have each domain label start and end with alphanumeric characters.
    • have each domain label consist of alphanumeric characters, separated only by hyphens, if any.

EMAIL is specified by the prefix e/.

Example: johndoe@gmail.com


ADDRESS accepts any values, excluding prefixes.

ADDRESS is specified by the prefix a/.

Example:a/John street, block 123, #01-01

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Multi-valued attributes


TAG accepts any values, excluding prefixes.

TAG is specified by the prefix t/, and its index by the flag -t.

Example:t/12-A nursing home


The task parameter has the following constraints:

  • TASK_DESCRIPTION accepts any values, excluding prefixes and | separators.
  • DATE TIME should be in the format of DD-MM-YY or DD-MM-YY HHMM.
    e.g. 2-7-22 1345, 09-4-22, 08-06-22 0900, 7-06-22 2130 and 28-10-22 are all valid DATE TIME.
  • INTERVAL TIME_PERIOD should be in the format of X day(s)/week(s)/month(s)/year(s) where X is a positive integer.

TASK is specified by the prefix d/, and its index by the flag -d.

Example: d/Take CT scan | 23-11-22 1530 | 2 months


CONDITION accepts any values, excluding prefixes.

CONDITION is specified by the prefix c/, and its index by the flag -c.

Example:c/Parkinson's disease


MEDICATION_TYPE accepts any values, excluding prefixes and | separators. DOSAGE should only contain alphanumeric characters, decimal points, and spaces.

MEDICATION is specified by the prefix m/, and its index by the flag -m.

Example:m/Amoxicillin | 0.5g every 8 hours


REMARK accepts any values, excluding prefixes.

REMARK is specified by the prefix r/, and its index by the flag -r.

Example:r/Allergic to peanuts

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Patient parameter summary

Parameter Type Flag Prefix
NAME Single-valued attribute - n/
PHONE Single-valued attribute - p/
EMAIL Single-valued attribute - e/
ADDRESS Single-valued attribute - a/
TAG Multi-valued attribute -t t/
TASK Multi-valued attribute -d d/
CONDITION Multi-valued attribute -c c/
MEDICATION Multi-valued attribute -m m/
REMARK Multi-valued attribute -r r/
PATIENT - -p -

:information_source: Notes:

  • The value of an attribute is prefixed by its prefix.
  • The index of a patient’s multi-valued attribute is specified with its flag.
  • The flag and the prefix of a multi-valued attribute are coded with the same letter.
  • The patient index flag -p is an exception, as it has no corresponding prefix.

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:bulb: Tip:

You can navigate through your command history by using the and arrow keys.

  • Two or more consecutive identical commands are saved once.
  • Only successful commands are saved in the command history.
  • The command history saves up to 100 previous commands.

Getting help: help

You can access the help page with the help command.

Format: help

help message

Help window displayed after running the help command

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Adding a patient: add

You can add a patient to the patient list with the add command.


:bulb: Tip:

You can view the constraints for each parameter in the Patient parameter constraints section.

:information_source: Notes:

  • You cannot add duplicate patients.
  • Patients are considered duplicates only when they have the same NAME, PHONE, EMAIL, and ADDRESS.
  • Patients’ details are case-sensitive e.g. John is distinct from john.

:bulb: Tip:

You can add any number of tags, tasks, medical conditions, medications, and remarks to a patient.


  • add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 d/Administer 3ml of example medicine | 16-10-22 t/severe t/elderly adds a patient with the following details:
    • Name: John Doe
    • Phone number: 98765432
    • Email: johnd@example.com
    • Address: John street, block 123, #01-01
    • Tasks: Administer 3ml of example medicine | 16-10-22
    • Tags: elderly, severe
  • add n/Betsy Crowe c/Dementia c/High blood pressure e/betsy@example.com a/Jane street blk 420 #01-69 p/87901234 adds a patient with the following details:
    • Name: Betsy Crowe
    • Phone number: 87901234
    • Email: betsy@example.com
    • Address: Jane street blk 420 #01-69
    • Medical conditions: Dementia, High blood pressure

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Editing a patient’s contact details: edit -p

You can edit the contact details of an existing patient in the patient list with the edit command.

Format: edit -p PATIENT_INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS]

:bulb: Tip:

You can view the constraints for each parameter in the Patient parameter constraints section.

:information_source: Notes:

  • You cannot edit tags, tasks, medical conditions, medications, and remarks with this command.
  • If there are duplicate patients after editing a patient, it will not be edited.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to the Table of contents to find the section with the parameter you want to edit.


  • edit -p 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com edits the phone number and email address of the 1st patient to be 91234567 and johndoe@example.com respectively.

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Deleting a patient: delete -p

You can delete a patient from the patient list with the delete command.

Format: delete -p PATIENT_INDEX


  • list followed by delete -p 2 deletes the 2nd patient in the patient list.
  • find Betsy followed by delete -p 1 deletes the 1st patient in the results of the find command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can use the undo command to undo an accidental delete command.

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Adding a tag: add -p

You can add a tag to a patient with the add command.

Format: add -p PATIENT_INDEX t/TAG

:information_source: Notes:

  • You can only add one tag at a time.
  • You cannot add duplicate tags.
  • Tags are case-sensitive e.g. high-risk is distinct from High-risk.
  • Tags are always sorted in lexicographical order.


  • list followed by add -p 1 t/high-risk adds the high-risk tag to the 1st patient in the patient list.
  • find Betsy followed by add -p 2 t/high-risk adds the high-risk tag to the 2nd patient in the results of the find Betsy command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can add multiple tags at once when you first add a patient.

:bulb: Tip:

You can understand the commands about multi-valued attributes as follows.

Adding a value to an attribute: add -p

You can add a value to a patient’s attribute with the add command.

Format: add -p PATIENT_INDEX xyz/XYZ_VALUE


  • list followed by add -p 1 t/high-risk adds the high-risk tag (attribute t) to the 1st patient in the patient list.

Editing a value of an attribute: edit -p -xyz

Format: edit -p PATIENT_INDEX -xyz XYZ_INDEX xyz/XYZ_VALUE


  • list followed by edit -p 2 -t 3 t/high-risk edits the 3rd tag (attribute t) of the 2nd patient in the patient list to high-risk.

Deleting a value from an attribute: edit -p -xyz

Format: delete -p PATIENT_INDEX -xyz XYZ_INDEX


  • list followed by delete -p 2 -t 3 deletes the 3rd tag (attribute t) of the 2nd patient in the patient list.

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Editing a tag: edit -p -t

You can edit a tag of a patient with the edit command.

Format: edit -p PATIENT_INDEX -t TAG_INDEX t/TAG

:information_source: Notes:

  • You can only edit one tag at a time.
  • If there are duplicate tags after editing a tag, it will not be edited.


  • list followed by edit -p 2 -t 3 t/high-risk edits the 3rd tag of the 2nd patient in the patient list to high-risk.
  • find Betsy followed by edit -p 1 -t 2 t/high-risk edits the 2nd tag of the 1st patient in the results of the find Betsy command to high-risk.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Deleting a tag: delete -p -t

You can delete a tag of a patient with the delete command.

Format: delete -p PATIENT_INDEX -t TAG_INDEX


  • list followed by delete -p 2 -t 3 deletes the 3rd tag of the 2nd patient in the patient list.
  • find Betsy followed by delete -p 1 -t 2 deletes the 2nd tag of the 1st patient in the results of the find Betsy command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Adding a task: add -p

You can add a task or recurring task to a patient with the add command.


:information_source: Notes:

  • DATE TIME and INTERVAL TIME_PERIOD must follow the criteria defined in Task parameters.
  • If DATE TIME is omitted, the task will be created with a date and time 24 hours from the moment of creation.
  • If DATE is specified but TIME is omitted, the task will be created with a default time of 0000 hours.
  • If INTERVAL TIME_PERIOD is omitted, then the task created will be a non-recurring task, i.e. a one-off task.
  • Note that tasks are automatically sorted in chronological order upon being added.
    e.g. if the patient already has tasks on 24-10-22, and a new task on 27-10-22 is created, then the new task will be the 2nd task for the patient after the one on 24-10-22.
  • If the day portion of the date exceeded the last day of that calendar month, but is between 1 and 31, it would default to the last day of the month.
    e.g. 31-4-22 will be automatically converted to 30-4-22, and 30-2-20 will be converted to 29-2-20 (since 2020 is a leap year).
  • Overdue recurring tasks will automatically add corresponding new recurring tasks based on their frequency.
  • Tasks are considered duplicates only when TASK_DESCRIPTION, DATE TIME, and INTERVAL TIME_PERIOD (if applicable) are the same e.g. Take X-rays | 23-4-22 1345 is different from Take X-rays | 23-4-22 1345 | 3 weeks.
  • Tasks are case-sensitive e.g. Take X-rays is distinct from Take x-rays.

:exclamation: Caution:

If you enter a TIME of 2400, then the date and time will be set to 0000 hours of the next day.


  • list followed by add -p 1 d/Administer 3ml of example medicine adds a task to the 1st patient in the patient list.
  • find Betsy followed by add -p 2 d/Change dressing on left arm | 12-7-22 adds a task to the 2nd patient in the results of the find command, on 12th July 2022 0000 hours.
  • add -p 3 d/Take X-rays | 23-4-22 1345 | 3 weeks adds a recurring task to the 3rd patient for every 3 weeks starting from 23rd April 2022 1345 hours.

:bulb: Tip:

You can add multiple tasks at once when you first add a patient.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Editing a task: edit -p -d

You can edit a task of a patient with the edit command.


:information_source: Notes:

  • DATE TIME and INTERVAL TIME_PERIOD must follow the criteria defined in Task parameters.
  • If a INTERVAL TIME_PERIOD is provided for what was originally a non-recurring task, the edit will transform it into a recurring one based on the given frequency
  • Tasks are automatically sorted in chronological order upon modification, i.e. if a task on 25-10-22 is edited to be 30-10-22, its new TASK INDEX would be based on the displayed order in the patient’s task list.
  • If there are duplicate tasks after editing a task, it will not be edited.
  • You cannot have a | at the end or else a warning will be thrown.


  • list followed by edit -p 1 -d 1 d/Administer 3ml of example medicine edits the description of the 1st task of the 1st patient in the patient list to Administer 3ml of example medicine, while retaining the original date and time for the task.
  • find Betsy followed by edit -p 2 -d 3 d/| 23-10-22 0800 edits the date and time of the 3rd task of the 2nd patient in the results of the find command to 23rd October 2022 0800 hours, while retaining the original description for the task.
  • list followed by edit -p 1 -d 1 d/| | 3 days edits the recurrence of the 1st task of the 1st patient if the task was a recurring task to every 3 days, while keeping the original description, date, and time. If the task was a non-recurring task, then this edit transforms the task into a recurring task with a recurrence of every 3 days.
  • list followed by edit -p 2 -d 3 d/| 25-10-22 | 2 weeks edits the date and recurrence of the 3rd task for the 2nd patient in the patient list to 25th October 2022 and every 2 weeks, while keeping the original description and time. If the task was a non-recurring task, then this edit transforms the task into a recurring task with a recurrence of every 2 weeks.
  • find David followed by edit -p 1 -d 2 d/Change bandage | | 4 days edits the description and recurrence of the 2nd task of the 1st patient in the results of find command to Change bandage and every 4 days, while keeping the original date and time. If the task was a non-recurring task, then this edit transforms the task into a recurring task with a recurrence of every 4 days.

:information_source: Notes:

You must always provide a DATE if you want to change the TIME.
e.g. to change from 25-10-22 0800 to 25-10-22 0900, the edit would be d/| 25-10-22 0900.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Deleting a task: delete -p -d

You can delete a task of a patient with the delete command.

Format: delete -p PATIENT_INDEX -d TASK_INDEX


  • list followed by delete -p 2 -d 3 deletes the 3rd task of the 2nd patient in the patient list.
  • find Betsy followed by delete -p 1 -d 2 deletes the 2nd task of the 1st patient in the results of the find command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Adding a medical condition: add -p

You can add a medical condition to a patient with the add command.


:information_source: Notes:

  • You can only add one medical condition at a time.
  • You cannot add duplicate medical conditions.
  • Medical conditions are case-sensitive e.g. diabetes is distinct from Diabetes.


  • list followed by add -p 1 c/Diabetes adds the Diabetes condition to the 1st patient in the patient list.
  • find Betsy followed by add -p 2 c/Alzheimer's disease adds the Diabetes condition to the 2nd patient in the results of the find Betsy command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can add multiple medical conditions at once when you first add a patient.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Editing a medical condition: edit -p -c

You can edit a medical condition of a patient with the edit command.


:information_source: Notes:

  • You can only edit one medical condition at a time.
  • If there are duplicate medical conditions after editing a medical condition, it will not be edited.


  • list followed by edit -p 2 -c 3 c/Diabetes edits the 3rd condition of the 2nd patient in the patient list to Diabetes.
  • find Betsy followed by edit -p 1 -c 2 c/Diabetes edits the 2nd condition of the 1st patient in the results of the find Betsy command to Diabetes.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Deleting a medical condition: delete -p -c

You can delete a medical condition of a patient with the delete command.



  • list followed by delete -p 2 -c 3 deletes the 3rd condition of the 2nd patient in the patient list.
  • find Betsy followed by delete -p 1 -c 2 deletes the 2nd condition of the 1st patient in the results of the find Betsy command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Adding a medication: add -p

You can add a medication to a patient with the add command.


:information_source: Notes:

  • You can only add one medication at a time.
  • You cannot add duplicate medications.
  • Medications are considered duplicates only when both MEDICATION_TYPE and DOSAGE are the same e.g. Paracetamol | 1 tab every 6 hours is different from Paracetamol | 2 tabs every 6 hours.
  • Medications are case-sensitive e.g. Paracetamol is distinct from paracetamol.


  • list followed by add -p 1 m/Paracetamol | 2 tabs every 6 hours adds the Paracetamol medication with the dosage 2 tabs every 6 hours to the 1st patient in the patient list.
  • find Alice followed by add -p 2 m/Amoxicillin | 0.5g every 8 hours adds the Amoxicillin medication with the dosage 0.5g every 8 hours to the 2nd patient in the results of the find Alice command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can add multiple medications at once when you first add a patient.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Editing a medication: edit -p -m

You can edit a medication of a patient with the edit command.


:information_source: Notes:

  • You can only edit one medication at a time.
  • If no new MEDICATION_TYPE or DOSAGE are provided, then original values will be used.
  • At least one of MEDICATION_TYPE or DOSAGE must be present, or else the medication will not be edited.
  • If there are duplicate medications after editing a medication, it will not be edited.
  • You cannot have a | at the end or else a warning will be thrown.


  • list followed by edit -p 1 -m 1 d/Amoxicillin edits the medication type of the 1st medication of the 1st patient in the patient list to Amoxicillin, while retaining the original dosage.
  • find Alice followed by edit -p 2 -m 3 d/| 2 tabs every 6 hours edits the dosage of the 3rd medication of the 2nd patient in the results of the find Alice command, while retaining the original medication type.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Deleting a medication: delete -p -m

You can delete a medication of a patient with the delete command.



  • list followed by delete -p 2 -m 3 deletes the 3rd medication of the 2nd patient in the patient list.
  • find Alice followed by delete -p 1 -m 2 deletes the 2nd medication of the 1st patient in the results of the find Alice command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Adding a remark: add -p

You can add a remark to a patient with the add command.


:information_source: Notes:

  • You can only add one remark at a time.
  • You cannot add duplicate remarks.
  • Remarks are case-sensitive e.g. allergic to peanuts is distinct from Allergic to Peanuts.


  • list followed by add -p 1 r/Requires wheelchair to move around adds the Requires wheelchair to move around remark to the 1st patient in the patient list.
  • find Rachel followed by add -p 2 r/Allergic to Peanuts adds the Allergic to Peanuts remark to the 2nd patient in the results of the find Rachel command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can add multiple remarks at once when you first add a patient.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Editing a remark: edit -p -r

You can edit a remark of a patient with the edit command.


:information_source: Notes:

  • You can only edit one remark at a time.
  • If there are duplicate remarks after editing a remark, it will not be edited.


  • list followed by edit -p 2 -r 3 r/Allergic to Amoxicillin edits the 3rd remark of the 2nd patient in the patient list to Allergic to Amoxicillin.
  • find Rachel followed by edit -p 1 -r 2 r/Allergic to Amoxicillin edits the 2nd remark of the 1st patient in the results of the find Rachel command to Allergic to Amoxicillin.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Deleting a remark: delete -p -r

You can delete a medical condition of a patient with the delete command.



  • list followed by delete -p 2 -r 3 deletes the 3rd remark of the 2nd patient in the patient list.
  • find Rachel followed by delete -p 1 -r 2 deletes the 2nd remark of the 1st patient in the results of the find Rachel command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can refer to this tip to better understand the commands about muti-valued attributes.

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Listing all patients: list

You can view a list of all patients using the list command.

Format: list

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Viewing all details of a patient: focus -p

You can view all details of a specified patient using the focus command.

Format: focus -p PATIENT_INDEX


  • list followed by focus -p 2 shows all details of the 2nd patient in the patient book.
  • find Fiona followed by focus -p 1 shows all details of the 1st patient in the results of the find command.

result for `focus -p 2`

Patient details displayed after running the focus -p 2 command

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Finding patients: find

You can find specific patients using the find command.

Format: find [KEYWORD]… [xyz/XYZ_KEYWORD]…

:information_source: Notes:

  • xyz/XYZ_KEYWORD refers to a keyword for a specific attribute with the prefix xyz.
  • There should be at least one parameter for the command.
  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. hans will match Hans.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.
  • Partial words can be matched e.g. Han will match Hans.
  • Patients matching at least one keyword in every attribute will be returned (i.e. AND search for different attributes, OR search for the same attribute). In more detail,
    • At least one of the patient’s attributes (name, phone, email, address, tag, task description, condition, medication, or remark) must match with at least one KEYWORD (unless it is empty).
    • For every different attribute with the prefix xyz, it must match at least one XYZ_KEYWORD (unless it is empty).


  • find key n/John n/Betsy n/Charlie e/@example.com e/@u.nus.edu displays all patients who fulfill all conditions below:
    • The patient’s name must contain either John or Betsy or Charlie.
    • The patient’s email address must contain either @example.com or @u.nus.edu.
    • At least one of the patient’s details must contain key (e.g., one of their tags contains key).
  • find jo displays patients with names Joe and John, patients with emails jo@example.com, and patients with tag joints.
  • find n/alice n/meier displays patients Alice Tan and Benson Meier.

result for 'find alice meier'

Patient list displayed after running the find alice meier command

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Viewing all tasks for a particular day: view

You can view the list of tasks for a particular day using the view command.

Format: view DATE

:information_source: Note:

The DATE must be of the specified format DD-MM-YY


  • view 5-9-22 lists the tasks on 5th September 2022
  • view 25-11-22 lists the tasks on 25th November 2022

result for `view 25-11-22`

Patient and task list displayed after running the view 25-11-22 command

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Viewing all tasks for today: view --today

You can view the list of tasks that are due today using the view command with the special flag --today.

Format: view --today


Let’s say you added the following patients and their tasks:

  • Physiotherapy appointment for Alex Yeoh at 12:00pm on 2022-11-04
  • Administer insulin dose for Charlotte Oliveiro at 11:45am on 2022-11-04

If today’s date is 2022-11-04, view --today will display those 2 tasks.

result for `view --today`

Patient and task list displayed after running the view --today command

:bulb: Tip:

This command replaces DATE in the previous command with the special flag --today.

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Viewing all tasks of a patient: view -p

You can view the list of tasks for a particular patient using the view command.

Format: view -p PATIENT_INDEX


  • list followed by view -p 2 will show the list of tasks for the 2nd patient in the patient list.

result for `view -p 2`

Patient and task list displayed after running the view -p 2 command

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Viewing all tasks of all patients: view -p --all

You can view the list of tasks for all patients using the view command with the special flag --all.

Format: view -p --all


  • view -p --all will show a list of all tasks belonging to patients with tasks.

result for `view -p --all`

Patient and task list displayed after running the view -p --all command

:bulb: Tip:

This command replaces PATIENT_INDEX in the previous command with the special flag

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Undoing previous command: undo

You can undo the last command which modifies the application data with the undo command.

Format: undo

:information_source: Note:

Commands which modify the application data are the add, edit, delete, and clear commands.


  • delete -p 2 followed by undo has the same effect as not doing the delete command.
  • delete -p 2 followed by list, then followed by undo will undo the delete command.
:exclamation: Caution: Only the last 100 commands which modify the application data can be undone. data file at the next run.

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Reversing undo command: redo

You can undo the last undo command with the redo command.

Format: redo


  • undo followed by redo has the same effect as not using the undo command.
  • Two consecutive undo commands followed by redo has the same effect as using the undo command once.

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Clearing all entries: clear

You can clear all patient entries in the displayed patient list with the clear command.

Format: clear


  • list followed by clear will delete all patients.
  • find Betsy followed by clear deletes all patients in the results of the find Betsy command.

:bulb: Tip:

You can use the undo command to undo an accidental clear command.

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Exiting UniNurse: exit

You can exit UniNurse with the exit command.

Format: exit

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Saving the data

UniNurse automatically saves its data on the hard disk after any command that changes the data. You do not need to save manually.

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Editing the data file

UniNurse data are saved as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/uninurse.json. If you are an advanced user, feel free to update data directly by editing that data file.

:exclamation: Caution: If your changes to the data file make its format invalid, UniNurse will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run.

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Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install the app on the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous UniNurse home folder.

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Command summary

Action Format
Help help
Edit patient edit -p PATIENT_INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS]
Delete patient delete -p PATIENT_INDEX
Add tag add -p PATIENT_INDEX t/TAG
Edit tag edit -p PATIENT_INDEX -t TAG_INDEX t/TAG
Delete tag delete -p PATIENT_INDEX -t TAG_INDEX
Add task add -p PATIENT_INDEX d/TASK
Edit task edit -p PATIENT_INDEX -d TASK_INDEX d/TASK
Delete task delete -p PATIENT_INDEX -d TASK_INDEX
Add condition add -p PATIENT_INDEX c/CONDITION
Delete condition delete -p PATIENT_INDEX -c CONDITION_INDEX
Add medication add -p PATIENT_INDEX m/MEDICATION
Delete medication delete -p PATIENT_INDEX -m MEDICATION_INDEX
Add remark add -p PATIENT_INDEX r/REMARK
Delete remark delete -p PATIENT_INDEX -r REMARK_INDEX
List all patients list
View all details of a patient focus -p PATIENT_INDEX
Find patients find [KEYWORD]… [xyz/XYZ_KEYWORD]…
View all tasks for a particular day view DATE
View all tasks for today view --today
View all tasks of a patient view -p PATIENT_INDEX
View all tasks of all patients view -p --all
Undo previous command undo
Reverse undo command redo
Clear all entries clear
Exit exit

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