Shaugn Tan Sean Hon's Project Portfolio Page
Project: UniNurse
UniNurse is a desktop application used for managing patient contact details and tasks. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 20 kLoC.
Contributions to project
Code contributed
New feature: Output Panel
- What it does: Displays important information about patient details, tasks, and schedules for the day
- Justification: Provides more specific information for nurses when needed
Enhancements to existing features
Added Command Type enumeration to Logic component to cover all commands.
- What it does: Stores the command type in each command so that MainWindow can determine the command entered and update itself accordingly.
- Justification: The exisiting application only displayed the patient list, hence there was no need for the enhancement. However, we needed a way for the output panel to update itself accordingly based on the command executed.
Added the ability to display patients added/edited/deleted in the output panel
- What it does: Shows the patient card of the patient added/edited/deleted
- Justification: The existing application only displayed the patient’s details in the result box which is text based
- Highlights: patientOfInterest attribute added to Model to contain the patient added/deleted/edited and subsequently used by the output panel
Added the ability to track patients added and deleted during an undo/redo command
- What it does: Show the patients who were added and deleted during an undo/redo command
- Justification: The existing undo/redo operation only contained the different states of the UninurseBook, but does not track the specific patients involved
- Highlights: PersonListTracker class is used to track the patients added and deleted
Contributions to User Guide
- Added documentation for email and task parameters
- Added documentation for the
feature - Added documentation for the
Contributions to Developer Guide
- Added documentation and class diagrams for UI component
- Added implementation details for displaying added/edited/deleted patients
- Added the following use cases: UC04, UC05
- Added acknowledgement for font usage
- Added manual testing instructions for modifying patient contact details
- Added manual testing instructions for modifying patient tags
- Added manual testing instructions for modifying patient tasks
- Added manual testing instructions for modifying medical conditions
- Added manual testing instructions for modifying medications
- Added manual testing instructions for modifying remarks
- Added manual testing instructions for viewing patient details
- Added manual testing instructions for finding patients
- Added manual testing instructions for viewing tasks for a particular day
- Added manual testing instructions for viewing all tasks of a patient
- Added manual testing instructions for viewing all tasks of all patients
- Added manual testing instructions for undoing previous commands
- Added manual testing instructions for reversing undo commands
- Added manual testing instructions for clearing all patients
- Added manual testing instructions for saved data